So I’ve had another baby – who knew. I wanted to put together a new mum and baby essentials list because I feel like everyone always asks about the baby but Mumma always gets left out. To check out my list with the twins click HERE.
So I’ve put together a list of items that have been life savers in the first 3 months for London and me. Some which I have had from the twins and Harper – some are new.
Whether you’re a first time parent, or 4th – seeing what works for others means less stress thinking about what you need. Also coming from someone that already has three children I knew what I didn’t want – and what I wanted again.
I’ve listed all my discount codes down the bottom too so you can grab yourself a bargain at the same time.
My one little tip around clothes would be this – don’t. buy any. I mean buy a few onesies and singlets – but actual “outfits” I wouldn’t bother. I found it far too hard to try and dress them in outfits. It was onesies or grow suits all day every day – easy to put on, easy for nappy changes – because at night time or when you’re tired – and the baby is crying – you don’t want to be fussing over leggings or that cute cardigan. Not until they’re at least 6 months anyway. (that’s just me)
These items are my must haves.
Let’s start here. New mum and baby essentials must have really. This service is an absolute game changer when it comes to breast milk . I have a massive supply which is so good – however it also means my freezer is chocka block with milk and the chances of me using it within 3 months are slim to none. Nourishy freeze dries your milk so it becomes like formula powder. It lasts for 3 years which allows you to still have breast milk for your Bub without the worry of it going off. Not just that it takes the worry away from having to keep breastmilk fresh when travelling and knowing you always have an option. The service is fantastic as well. You get sent a cool box with all the instructions – you just pack up your milk, a courier collects it then its returned to you within a week or so. I love knowing little London is going to be able to have my milk even if I choose to stop breastfeeding.
Kiss Active Maternity Sports Bra
A MUST have Mumma. Those boobies need holding up and as a runner we needed support. Kiss Active have the best maternity sports bras and come in 3 different support for different occasions. They have matching sets and and are perfect for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Their prints are cute as and the classic black is chic.
Lacevo Breast Pump
Staying with new mum essentials and the breast milk theme – is the pump I WISH I had with my other babies. This hospital grade hands free pump is worth every single penny. It comes with everything you need including a range of flanges, chargers, bags, a tote, the lot. It’s not only convenient and I can pump anywhere but it’s discreet and has me pumping so much milk. The motors last around 4 feeds before they need to be charged and the collection pods are so simple and easy to use. It’s allowed me so much freedom not having to be stuck to a power point and has taken so much stress out of my breastfeeding journey.
Danish by Design
I was lucky enough to collaborate with Danish by Design as I already love so many of the brands they work with and the twins had Leander cots and we love them. New mum and baby essentials must include items from Danish by Design. I needed something a little smaller as London was going in to Harpers room so we went with the classic Leaner Cot which we love. We also got the Childhood Moses basket and Tipi stand, the Quax rocker which I LOVE the colour. We also got the Owlet Monitor from Danish by Design which includes the smart Sock for peace of mind.
Danish by Design also has a great range of bottles and pumps and toddler toys as well.
Cocoonababy from The Stork Nest
This was a godsend with the twins and we’ve loved it with London too. The Cocoonababy from The Store Nest. Knowing she’s safe and secure and on that slight angle so the chance of silent reflux is minimal. Harper got bad silent reflux from being lay flat after a feed so this was amazing. I love that we can take it anywhere and put her on a flat surface for her naps.
Bunnie Caddie
I LOVE my bunnie Caddie. It holds everything I need without stuff going everywhere. Another New mum and baby essentials must have.
These are amazing – store all your goodies in there in one spot, nappies, wipes, creams, spit up cloths, change of clothes, water bottle, snacks.
We also (still) take these travelling with us. I had one at the hospital, we’ve taken them on holiday so we have everything in one spot.
Available at Bunnie Caddie
Leander Matty change mat:
A must have. The reason being they are easy to clean, easy to move around the house and are also aesthetically pleasing.
Leander Matty – available from Danish from Design
The Stork Nest products
I have been an ambassador for The Stork Nest since Harper was a baby. We LOVE all their products and are so grateful to have been gifted so many. My go to’s are below – but we get so many great things for the twins as well.
We have loved with London are the Ergo Baby White noise machine, the Skip Hop Play mat, Baby Breezer Steriliser and Bubble Baby bath.
Egg Stroller
We had this amazing cot when Harper was a baby and LOVED IT. So when we had the twins I was devastated that I couldn’t have it again. So as soon as we knew we were having 1 baby. The Egg Stroller was on the list. It’s easy to put together, it’s smooth and the turning circle is amazing. I love that the seat can face you or out because most prams only have the seat facing outwards. The ease of packing it up and down again is so good as well. It’s sleek and stylish and the accessories including the bassinet, the seat, the adapters and foot muff are all so fab.
Bubba Bump
This beautiful small business has the most wonderful products. Their postpartum underwear is so comfy and sleek it was so great post birth. They also have a great range of breast pads, and beautiful wraps for bub.
Available from The Stork Nest
If you formula feed or use the Nourishy Service then this is a must have.
It keeps the water a perfect temperature the whole day so you don’t have to worry about finding water for your bub.
Available from Missta
Jak Organics:
I wouldn’t use any other wipe on my kids.
Organic, Australian, biodegradable, safe and great quality.
Aqua wipes are fab for wee’s and spill, baby wipes great for poo’s, anti bac are great for on the go.
Available from Jak Organics.
Discount codes:
- The Stork Nest – thefigure15
- Danish by Design – danni10
- Jak Organics – thefigure20
- Lacevo – thefigure5
- Nourishy- nourishybub
- Kiss Active – danni15
- Bubba Bump – thefigure15
- Egg Stroller – Thefigurelife2025